With More Visitors, i.e More impressions, CTR Looses Drastically, And Hence ECPM Fall as Well. So, A Lot Of People Struggle Hard, And Why Not Try This?
Some Basics
Some Basics
2. Text ads has less chance to be converted into a Public Service Ads than Image ads.
3. Ad blending has something to do with Click rate.(Will Be Described Below)
4. More Ads = Less chance to get the highest paying Ad. So in fact, Less Ads = More Pay.
Chapter -1 Abolishing Adblindness
Ad blindness is when you have a website with a great traffic, where a Good Percent are
Return Visitors. Those visitors basically know where your ads are, and know what all are ads in your blog, and what aren’t. So, in the end, they never give you Ad Clicks anymore, but will still give you Imps which will ultimately reduce your CTR which will make the PPC Less for the remaining clicks of the day.
1.2 Factors Affecting Ad blindness
Having an Ad in your site/blog is the only requirement to be affected with Ad blindness.
The Trick or No, Its not a trick, Its just a Wise Tactics, which will Ultimately get your free from
Ad blindness.
1.3 The AdBlindness Killer
So here starts the method.
1. Basically, Select a nice template, (3 Column or Magazine template is recommended) which
you personally like, or which you think will make your visitor stick into your site.
2. Configure all the widgets that you need, or even CSS edits incase you want the theme to be furnished a bit more. DONT PUT YOUR ADS NOW.
3. Now, Go to your Cpanel, Into the templates folder, and Download the template. This can be done through FTP too.
4. Now, Rename the theme folder in your PC to maintheme2 and save. And Make copies of the folder and name them like maintheme3, maintheme4 and so on. (you can use any word instead of main theme.)And upload those to the themes directory. Make sure you have at least 4-5 including the original theme.
5. Now from your wordpress dashboard, Place the ads in the activated template which you have already placed widgets in. It is recommended to put the ads directly into the template rather than keeping ads in the sidebars.
6. Save the template. And now activate maintheme2 and put the ads, but make sure you don’t keep them in the same place as the previous one. Make it entirely different as possible. Similarly, work up with the remaining ones and save them too.
7. Now you just have to change the theme once a day, or twice a day, or even thrice a day. And it will efficiently Increase your Revenue since no one seems to be coped with your ad placement.
And this plugin does the thing its own!! wordpress. org/extend/plugins/motif-blog-theme-changer/ so you don’t have to worry about. And It’s better to delete wordpress default templates.(I heard That It Has been Suspended, Well, This Method is Not So Mandatory, Just Read On till The End!)
Chapter -2 Adblending (A Complimentary Topic to Chapter 1)
This is something very important to care about if you are working on the Adblindness Killer method. Almost all people know to edit the template, and put in the ads at custom places, but many of them don’t know how it should look. So that’s it!! We should focus on it.
As I Divide Ad blending into 3, here are they
1. Fault (Default) - Yes, it is a fault to use the Default ads from Adsense. Because, they basically show no creativity. But, in occasions, they too do magic.
2. Complimentary - See, You have a blog with White background and Black Text with Green Buttons or Menu Headers or similar. Then, If you opt for a white background Ad with Black Text, You Are in this Category. Or even White and Green Comes inside this.
3. Contrasting - Wow, One of the best methods to make the ad Look sleek to the template and to attract some Clicks to it. As said in the above case, to be a bit different, if you opt for a Green Background Ads with White text, you are a Contrasting Guy!

Chapter - 3 CTR Booster Method
1. After you make And upload the same theme into maintheme2, 3 ,4 and 5, Open your Adsense account.
2. Go to Channels under Adsense Setup.
3. Make Channels like aa1, aa2, aa3 and ab1, ab2 etc etc for the whole themes!(Here, i am assuming that you will be putting 3 adblocks in your site and you have themes up to maintheme4)
4. Make your ads now, assign each ad to its corresponding channel and put in the corresponding theme. and So, in short, you will have 15 Channels with 1 ad each on them, i.e 15 Ads in total distributed 3 into 5 themes.
That’s it, the theme Rotator plugin will automatically rotate the themes and hence, different adblocks will be shown rather than showing the same ad for the whole day. Here is a simple math to show that is useful.
Assume, the adclick pays $10 for a single click on 100% CTR. And you have 60 Impressions and
3 Clicks for the whole day. Assume Ads are clicked after 10,20,30,50 Imps Respectively.(Those Imps are on Equivalent time.)
Basic Method
Cant Enter Tabulated Data Since Am New! Some Mod Please Help

And it will be going down the whole day, until there are some massive clicks coming in. Now see the advanced method.
Since there are 5 themes, and rotator is assigned to rotate on the right gap, and as click are
Assumed to come uniform in time, each theme gets equal imps and equal Clicks
~ExP Method~
Cant Enter Tabulated Data Since Am New! Some Mod Please Help

So That’s It!! Apply Both Methods together using the Chapter 2 Which deals about Ad blending. it is better if you make 5 theme copies in which 2 are Contrasting and 2 are Complimentary and 1 is Default. (Default can be avoided and tried with some other colors.)
Simple Money Maker – No Theme, Nothing, Just a Plugin Will Do!
~ExP Adsense Exploiter~
I am taking the responsibility to explain you the steps again.
1. Have a Good theme in your site. Preferably 3 Columns or Magazines.
2. Go to Adsense, Login, Move to Adsense Setup, Take Channels.
3. Make channels like a1,a2 ,a3 Up to how many you like! Maximum 10 J
4. Make ads Of the sizes you need, and Add them to the channels, Each ad to each channel!
5. And Install DataFeedr Ad Rotation Plugin!
6. Insert Your Adcodes into it!
7. Simply insert the Plugins PHP Syntax to the place you need the ads.
8. It will automatically Rotate your ads, and Check Your Adsense Stats and be Happy! J
(~Reason Explained Above~ )
My Ebook, Which Sold Over 30+ Times In DigitalPoint

Open To Questions and Improvisations!
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